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Group breaks will be offered / filled across multiple platforms. Some breaks will be sold direct through the website. Others will be available exclusively through our eBay store ggcardsandbreaks or by claiming spots when we conduct Twitter drops. Also, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for additional card break content, up to date break notifications, and giveaways! Regardless of which platform a group break spot is purchased on, ALL breaks will be live streamed on the GG Cards and Breaks YouTube Channel

US Shipping is included for purchases made direct, through our website. International Shipping options are not currently offered.

The approximate start date / time of all group breaks will be posted within our eBay listings / Twitter / Facebook feeds. Prior to the start of ALL breaks, we will post notifications on our Facebook and Twitter feeds that we are preparing to go live. Breaks will take place in the order in which they are filled / paid for unless dictated otherwise at the discretion of GG Cards and Breaks. The number associated within the title of the break does not necessarily indicate the order in which the breaks will take place. It is just the order we created the breaks and assigned them numbers when uploading them to the website.

How do Pick Your Team (PYT) breaks work?

These are the most straight and arrow type of breaks. You select the desired team at the assigned cost. Group participants will receive all cards from their purchased team(s).


How do Random Team (RT) breaks work?

All group participants of a random team break will be randomized into an initial list, with a corresponding quantity of spot(s) purchased. Once that list is compiled, all teams available in the break will be randomized live on stream into the initial list of randomized group participant names.  Group participants will receive all cards from the randomized teams that they were matched to.

What's the deal with points cards?

Points cards are not specific to any particular team, and as such, group participants will receive equal entry relative to the spots purchased in the break, and a drawing will be conducted to determine the recipient.

I skunked and didn't hit any cards in the break!

In the event that a group participant does not receive any cards from their team(s), GG Cards and Breaks will send cards(s) / pack(s) as a consolation at our discretion.


So, what if there's a card of a player on a team that isn't designated in the group break?

In the event that a card depicts a player wearing the uniform of a retired professional team, the card will be issued to the current team formed from the past organization. If the card depicts a player in their collegiate uniform, the card will be issued to the current professional team the player is on. If the player appears in a collegiate uniform and is retired, the card will be issued to the professional team listed on the card. If no professional team is noted on the card, then the card will be issued to the team on which the player spent the most time of their professional career. If the player appears in a collegiate uniform and remained undrafted or unclaimed by a professional team at the time of break, the card will be randomed off to all group break participants at the end of the break.

*A card will be awarded to the team that is listed on the front or back of the card, and NOT the jersey they are pictured wearing. If there is no team name on the card, then the card will be awarded to the team of the jersey the players is pictured in. In the event a card depicts players from multiple teams, a winner will be selected using in which a tally of all depicted teams, equal to the number of corresponding featured players will be compiled. Example: A card featuring (2) Jets players & (1) Ravens player will have a total of (3) randomized spots, (2) of which will be assigned to the group participant whom owns the Jets & (1) will be assigned to the group participant whom owns the Ravens.

Gideon's Gallery ● GG Cards & Breaks

Serving the Greater Central New York Area Since 2015

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